San Luis Obispo CountySLO County 24 hr. Crisis Resources:
SLO HOTLINE: 800-783-0607 SLO County Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET): 800-838-1381 Crisis Text Line: Text 'Hello' to 741-741 (805) 781-4275 2180 Johnson Ave, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Adult Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment This service provides a full array of treatment options for adults (18 years and older) experiencing substance use issues. Access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services available in Spanish. County Program for adolescents and young adults
(age 15-21): SLO County Behavioral Health (805) 781-4754 For those experiencing significant mental health and substance-related problems at the same time. Clinic-based outpatient treatment program with, typically, a 6-12 month program duration.
Cal Poly Counseling Center
805-756-1532 Cottage Outpatient Center
Intensive Outpatient Chemical Dependency COPE 805-541-9113 1035 Peach St # 203, SLO www.cottagehealth.org/services/psychiatry-and-addiction-medicine SLO Community Counseling Center: 805-543-7969
Transitions Mental Heath Association (TMHA):
805-540-6500 Lifestyle Recovery Center
24 hr Hotline 1-800-783-0608 805-238-2290 2900 Union Road PR lifestylesrecoverycenter.org SAMHSA Substance Abuse & Mental Health Help Line Local referrals 800-662-4357 www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline findtreatment.samhsa.gov Sunny Acres Recovery Center:
805-543-4918 10660 Los Osos Valley Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Aspire Counseling Service
Toll-Free: 888-585-7373 805-329-5595 336 S Halcyon Rd #130 Arroyo Grande 93420 www.aspirecounselingservice.com Aegis Treatment Center (Outpatient Treatment)
805-461-5212 6500 Morro Road "D" Atascadero www.aegistreatmentcenters.com/clinic Smart Recovery
Self Management & Recovery Weekly meetings in SLO 1515 Fredericks Street SLO 1-805-602-1003 https://www.smartrecovery.org/community/ Celebrate Recovery
12 Step Classes Monday Nights Testimonies/Lesson Thursday nights 1-805-466-2051 6225 Atascadero Mall - Atascadero www.abcchurch.org/celebraterecovery VIDEOS
Smart Approaches to Marijuana
www.learnaboutsam.org Addiction Center
24 hour Help Line: 877-825-1872 877-655-5116 www.addictioncenter.com/rehabs/california Grief Loss Recovery
www.recover-from-grief.com Stop Bullying
https://stopbullying.gov/ National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 Crisis text line: text HELLO to 741-741 Lift Depression
www.lift-depression.com/find-out-more/ |